Cast Aluminium Plaques
Aluminium cast in the traditional way - Ideal for memorials and other commemorative plaques
These cast aluminium memorials and commemorative plaques are made in a foundry using traditional sand casting methods which have not really changed for hundreds of years. What has changed, is the pattern making which uses computers to create an individual plaque for you. As well as memorials qnd commemorative plaques the cast aluminium does make excellent house signs too. Lettering, images and layout can all be to your specifications. There is no doubt that you will be pleased when you receive your cast aluminium memorial, commemorative plaque or house sign.
Do you need some help - Call Us - 01769 561355. Outside office hours - Email us - We will get back to you ASAP.
NB Should you wish to discuss your cast aluminium plaque, memorial or house sign, mention this in the order form notes box
and we will contact you before we process your order.