Make this Valentine's Day unforgettable with our special selection of gifts
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Made by Craftsmen
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Pewter Bar Gifts

It has been quite the thing, in recent times, to build your own pub in the garden or bar in the Man Cave. We realised this with the number of home pub signs we were selling. It therefore seem a good idea to add this selection of bar gifts to our range of personalised gifts. They are made by craftsman in very traditional ways, although many of the designs are  stylish and contemporary. The range includes wine bottle stoppers that will make you smile, bottle openers, bar measures, wine bottle coasters along with  a cup & mug for specific cocktails.

21 Products

As well as all the bar gifts and presents above we also have a large selection of
Glasses, Tankards and TumblersPewter Tankards  and Pewter Goblets

More Pewter Gift and Present Ideas